Paint Protection Content

Protecting Your Paint

We hope you are using our luggage because you ride your bike and need to carry your stuff. Great! Please realize that over time your bike may show wear in places where the luggage contacts the bike's finish. Plastic surfaces, being softer, may be more susceptible to marring.

Our luggage is designed to mount securely and to minimize vibration and rubbing. Smooth, soft material is used for bike/bag interface areas to minimize scratches to the bike's finish. However, dirt and grime caught between a bag and a finished surface can act as an abrasive and hasten visible damage.

Hierarchy of Things We Can All Do To Help Save A Bike's Finish:

Level of Effort Technique Who Does It
Level 0 Install luggage. Ride. Ignore. Some riders
Level 1 Clean your bike before installing luggage & keep it clean Most riders
Level 2 Wash & wax painted surfaces to help provide a barrier to scratches Many riders
Level 3 Use clear protective plastic adhesive-backed coating. 3M Paint Protection Film A few riders
Level 4 Wrap entire bike in plastic wrap & store in protective garage Not recommended

Ultimately, using anything will result in wear. Riding a motorcycle will result in an accumulation of rub-marks, scratches, dings, and scuffs that indicate time well spent.

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